Yule Shenanigans

Some of you may or may not know but yesterday was the pagan holiday of the winter solstice called Yule.
To celebrate my husband Bryan and I decided to do a last minute tribute by doing a little photoshoot out in the woods dressing me up as the Holly Queen. 

(The Holly Queen is our own female interpretation of the Holly King from folklore http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holly_King_(archetype) you can read more about him in this wiki link )

These beautiful images that my husband took are what I think are the best of the shoot and the second we got home I had him edit these so I could share them 🙂

There are plenty more that I will have him edit and will post but I will save them for a rainy day when I haven’t posted in a while ~

To all my followers who are pagan as well I hope you had a blessed Yule. 

Even thou this was a big part of the day this wasn’t all I did for Yule 😉

We shoot the Super Sonico Santa Christmas Pay What You Want Donation Set!!! All yesterday we did the shoot setting up a hotel room with tons of Christmas decorations and we decked the place out! The Set is going to be absolutely huge! I can’t wait to look threw the images but I told myself I wouldn’t look until Bryan did all the sorting and editing. 
I know it will be absolutely amazing thou because I did see a few of them and they were absolutely to die for! 

Later today I will more than likely update this journal and give a more defined time of when the set will be going up for download but for right now lets say it definitely won’t take longer than a week! We both are determined to get this set out asap!

I hope everyone is having a happy holiday so far~ ❤

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