FFXIVARR Miqote Photopack Download

Hello everyone!

I first want to start off with saying I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break!  I was away for 3 days visiting family, so I wasn’t able to get to the computer and let you all know that the release of the photopack was going to be late.  

This is the link to my webpage where you can find the download link http://feywildecosplay.com/miqote-photopack/

This pack honestly was one I never expected to do… you see I’ve been in financial trouble for a while and cosplay making honestly was out of the question. I just wasn’t able to do it! I would always have to wait longer and longer between making cosplays because something else came up that made so if I spent money on a cosplay I wouldn’t be able to eat. 
When Anime Weekend Atlanta came around I was horrifically depressed knowing I wouldn’t have a cosplay to wear. Bryan saw this and told me that if we were careful sense we had a little extra money that we could get the materials for one. And you know what? I made that FFXIV Miqote cosplay on the most insane penny pinching budget anyone has ever seen! Some of the metal embellishments are actually made of our room mates Dr pepper cans xD
After I finished making it he even encouraged me to enter it in the cosplay contest at the con. I didn’t win but I met some amazing people in line that I’m now friends with. 
I even met a photographer at the con who shot the cosplay and even offered to help me with my cosplay, allowing me to sign with his studio in exchange for him funding my cosplaying career. Of course I couldn’t pass up an offer like that! It hasn’t been long since then, and well, I got to say, it’s taken me so far! I haven’t ever felt so motivated in my life! And with the support from all of you out there and my husband I don’t think i’ll be giving this up for a while 😉

Of course I still need to bring in money myself! I can’t let Bryan bring in all the bread can I? lol

Please help support me by buying the new photopack, it would mean so much and it would prove to me that I should keep moving forward in what I do. Words of encouragement only means so much and only goes so far.  I really want to succeed and I really want to go far. But I need your help!

Also!!!! please don’t forget I’m still planning that giveaway! One free print and a custom seashell necklace from the location of my Alleyne cosplay shoot! 

Once I reach 200 likes on my facebook page the giveaway will start https://www.facebook.com/FeywildeCosplay
You have to like the page to be a part of the giveaway because I will ONLY be announcing it there.

Thankyou again everyone ❤ ❤ ❤

Alleyne Shoot is up!

My New Photopack

Oh my gosh guys! We did it!

This is the biggest shoot I’ve done yet and it was completely fan funded!

I really do have to put my heart out there for everyone who donated to help drive me out to the closest and safest beach to me to be able to capture this cosplay in the right environment! (I had to go all out  😉 its just in my nature) 

With this I now have three PhotoPack you all can choose from to help fund future cosplay projects and endeavors and to help me pay rent because times are hard all around and I’ve gone a year now without a job u.u

I have another cosplay coming up soon (funded by the left overs from this previous shoot) that I might be able to squeeze in a mini shoot for but if not I will be premiering it at my home anime convention Anime Weekend Atlanta. ( I’ts the Miqo’te Race Gear from FFXIV~)

Anyway I hope you all enjoy my Alleyne Cosplay maybe one day I’ll make her battle gear because I really liked that outfit too :O

~Antigone Feywilde