Photoshoot In A Week~


You read that correctly I will be doing a photo shoot in a week and not only is it a photo shoot it will come with me releasing TWO photo packs! 

One of the photo packs I will be selling like all my others threw my website but the other will be my very first Cosplay Deviant Pack. (That is if I get approved ;w; ) If you are wondering what cosplays i’ll be wearing I guess I can tell you! 

I will be doing a shoot for my FFXIV Miqote finally! (The location is finally open! )

The other will be my Super Sonico shoot! (witch my awesome headphones just came in and you can see an image of them over at my instagram )

Another surprise I have for you all will come after the shoot! I’ll be trying out something brand new as a thank you to everyone! You all have been awesome and the support ive gotten from everyone has truly meant a lot to me!  BUT that surprise you’ll just have to wait for 😉

I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween! I wish I could have done that Halloween Image like I wanted to but the Blair wig need to just be replaced u.u its in such horrible shape.  Maybe I can do something for Christmas tho! I’ll have to start planning ~

Thankyou again everybody! 

Alleyne Shoot is up!

My New Photopack

Oh my gosh guys! We did it!

This is the biggest shoot I’ve done yet and it was completely fan funded!

I really do have to put my heart out there for everyone who donated to help drive me out to the closest and safest beach to me to be able to capture this cosplay in the right environment! (I had to go all out  😉 its just in my nature) 

With this I now have three PhotoPack you all can choose from to help fund future cosplay projects and endeavors and to help me pay rent because times are hard all around and I’ve gone a year now without a job u.u

I have another cosplay coming up soon (funded by the left overs from this previous shoot) that I might be able to squeeze in a mini shoot for but if not I will be premiering it at my home anime convention Anime Weekend Atlanta. ( I’ts the Miqo’te Race Gear from FFXIV~)

Anyway I hope you all enjoy my Alleyne Cosplay maybe one day I’ll make her battle gear because I really liked that outfit too :O

~Antigone Feywilde