Super Sonico Summer Beach photopack teaser



Hey guys! 


Here is a very special early preview of a photo pack I will be selling in the future! Its featuring the Summer Beach outfit of the adorable Super Sonico Taito prize figure. 

I wouldn’t have been able to do this cosplay if it wasn’t for the amazing and talented :iconclinkorz: who made the iconic necklace for me as a commission piece. Shes now selling it on her Etsy store…

~Photography done by Nymph Pix

I will be releasing a few more previews over time before the pack is available for download so just keep an eye out~ 

Yule Shenanigans

Some of you may or may not know but yesterday was the pagan holiday of the winter solstice called Yule.
To celebrate my husband Bryan and I decided to do a last minute tribute by doing a little photoshoot out in the woods dressing me up as the Holly Queen. 

(The Holly Queen is our own female interpretation of the Holly King from folklore you can read more about him in this wiki link )

These beautiful images that my husband took are what I think are the best of the shoot and the second we got home I had him edit these so I could share them 🙂

There are plenty more that I will have him edit and will post but I will save them for a rainy day when I haven’t posted in a while ~

To all my followers who are pagan as well I hope you had a blessed Yule. 

Even thou this was a big part of the day this wasn’t all I did for Yule 😉

We shoot the Super Sonico Santa Christmas Pay What You Want Donation Set!!! All yesterday we did the shoot setting up a hotel room with tons of Christmas decorations and we decked the place out! The Set is going to be absolutely huge! I can’t wait to look threw the images but I told myself I wouldn’t look until Bryan did all the sorting and editing. 
I know it will be absolutely amazing thou because I did see a few of them and they were absolutely to die for! 

Later today I will more than likely update this journal and give a more defined time of when the set will be going up for download but for right now lets say it definitely won’t take longer than a week! We both are determined to get this set out asap!

I hope everyone is having a happy holiday so far~ ❤

Shoots Done Now We Wait

Hey guys!

SO  I have good news and bad news bad news first I had to cancel my big Super Sonico shoot. Why? A very important item that I ordered a mount in advance never arrived as well as the contacts never arrived so we decided to hold off on that one till a little later this year and by that time I’ll have a few more outfits to add to the shoot.


Now for the good news C:

I was able to go shoot yesterday evening Super Sonico downtown~ 

Above is a spancy preview for you all special~ ❤
It honestly wasn’t that cold out but it was hilarious how many comments I got and what some of the comments where. xD

Now this other shoot I did this weekend I had some hitches with, mainly it was meant to have been done yesterday morning BUT I got a bad mix of food poisoning and morning sickness (NO I’m not pregnant and yes you can get morning sickness normally if you wake up to early and your body can’t handle eating food)  and I threw up twice and wasn’t able to do the shoot when we were meant to luckily tho my photographer was staying all weekend so we rescheduled the shoot for earlier this morning! 

And it was my Final Fantasy XIV A Real Reborn Miqote Arcanist photoshoot! 

This will be my first Cosplay Deviant set IF I end up getting approved so unfortunately you all are going to have to wait a little while before I can post the images 😮

Right now I’m recovering letting myself relax sense I was not only throwing up my guts BUT butt naked in the dead morning in the middle of a river on a cold ass rock this morning xD Lets just say I was so cold that right now after my nap I woke up super sore and my poor photographer is totally passed out on my sofa lol.

Well I can’t wait to get some teasers ready to post for ya and I’ll keep you all updated on when I should be able to do so ~ But for right now I will be off~ Lots of love~ ❤

Photoshoot In A Week~


You read that correctly I will be doing a photo shoot in a week and not only is it a photo shoot it will come with me releasing TWO photo packs! 

One of the photo packs I will be selling like all my others threw my website but the other will be my very first Cosplay Deviant Pack. (That is if I get approved ;w; ) If you are wondering what cosplays i’ll be wearing I guess I can tell you! 

I will be doing a shoot for my FFXIV Miqote finally! (The location is finally open! )

The other will be my Super Sonico shoot! (witch my awesome headphones just came in and you can see an image of them over at my instagram )

Another surprise I have for you all will come after the shoot! I’ll be trying out something brand new as a thank you to everyone! You all have been awesome and the support ive gotten from everyone has truly meant a lot to me!  BUT that surprise you’ll just have to wait for 😉

I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween! I wish I could have done that Halloween Image like I wanted to but the Blair wig need to just be replaced u.u its in such horrible shape.  Maybe I can do something for Christmas tho! I’ll have to start planning ~

Thankyou again everybody! 

Kink in Plans

Due to this wondrous government shut down the FFXIV Miqote shoot I was planning won’t happen until its over and they open national parks up again.

This has put me in a difficult spot because I was planning on using the money made to help me out with some current cosplay’s that are on hold because of money problems u.u 

But the good news is the large Super Sonico shoot I’ve been planning is moving along smoothly. I have 3 full outfits picked out and I either already own then or have just small things to buy from them. 

So yeah that’s all I have to update on right now 🙂

I’m also working on some mascot or possible logo updates. If you guys have any ideas send them my way!