Sonico Santa PWYW Donation Set

Hey everyone! 

I thought I might update everyone with a little journal now that I finished cleaning my room xD

Well soon here I will be doing two shoots of  

this Super Sonico cosplay (beach version) as well as 

this Super Sonico cosplay (sexy Santa version)!

I’m not sure what I’m doing with the beach on as far as the final photos go BUT I don know what I will be doing for the Santa set!
It will be a “pay what you want”/”donate what you want” set aka you can give me $1, $5, $20 , $300! what ever you want to download the set. Of course this also mean you can give me nothing and download it for free sense this is my special little holiday gift to all of you out there who support me but money/ donations are always welcome and appreciated! 

I know it sounds like I’m taking a risk with this and making a missed opportunity with making money but I know I’m not the only broke one out there and I know there are some of you that haven’t been able to download any of my photopacks so I thought a donation set would be a better idea for this shoot to show a little thanks to all my supporters! 


….I will be holding a facebook exclusive giveaway on my facebook page!
YES this means free stuff will be given out of mine! Including a FREE print from my Alleyne Photoshoot and a custom seashell necklace I made from a seashell I found on the beach during the shoot! The giveaway won’t start until I reach 200 likes and right now I’m only 10 likes away from that goal! That’s right I just need 10 more people to like my facebook page until I can start my very first giveaway!! I will remind you all that this will be a facebook exclusive event, and when it starts I will not be announcing it anywhere BUT on facebook so you have to be liking my page to be a part of it! 

Well thats it for now but I will keep you all updated on the time of the Super Sonico shoots and when I’ll be posting them~

❤ ❤ ❤